Toilet Training your Rescue Dog – The Five keys to Successfully house train your Dog

Please do not give up. You can do it! Remember, you are probably the one with the problem, not your dog. I don't mean that you need toilet training, but that you most likely need training in canine communication so that you can effectively explain where and when he should relieve himself.

Is it possible to house train your dog effectively in 3 days? Yes, depending on various factors, but most of all you.
Try it, see if you can get it right. Don't give up! Give yourself at least one week to see a marked improvement and about two weeks to be sure that the toilet training habit is well entrenched. If you are conscientious and motivated and apply these practical housebreaking techniques, your training will be effective.

The first 3 principles you need to apply when training a puppy or an adult dog to 'toilet' outside are: Timing! Timing! Timing! Consistency and Persistence. This will be explained...

We will start with the most important points for you to know for effectively house training your dog, then discuss in more detail how to apply this knowledge.

For quick toilet training, or any other training, you need to understand five basic points that your dog already knows:

1.) "Good boy!" 

In a sweet, soft-toned voice, accompanied with rewards, food, petting, or play! You may choose a different phrase; it really doesn't matter. It is more the tone of your voice and your body language that will communicate that you are happy with the action the little one has just taken. Be consistent! Always be quick to praise a dog for doing something right rather than quick to chastise him! This is important to give him confidence. He knows that there is a behavior that pleases you, and he will try to understand what it is. This is referred to as positive reinforcement, and a dog learns quickest this way. 

Teach your dog quickly by telling him when he is good

2.) "No!" Learn to bark it. 

The important thing is to make a quick, sharp sound, not shouting, but it can be loud if needed in the beginning to get his attention. If this is not working, clap your hands simultaneously or make a noise with a rolled-up newspaper. Include a gesture, for example, a pointing finger with an outstretched arm and a stern facial expression. This marks a bad behavior, and timing is crucial. It does no good unless it is delivered while he is still in the process of doing the wrong thing.
Teach your dog quickly by telling him when he is good.
Teach your Dog "No!" by pointing at him angrily. 

Your goal is not to make your dog a nervous wreck but rather to get his attention when he has started doing something undesired. He will quickly learn that this command means to stop what he is doing and to give you his attention. Your goal is to teach him to understand a single command quickly, without having to reinforce it. This requires consistent reinforcing in the beginning, making sure he always responds to you when you say it. 

Teach your Dog "No!" by pointing at him angrily

3.) Body language. 

Read your dog's body language like he reads yours. This can shorten the process of house training your dog greatly. A dog's usual body language before going to the toilet is walking around and sniffing different spots until he finds some place that he feels is suitable for relieving himself. He may then lift his leg or she may squat or circle a couple of times before passing a stool. The more time you spend observing your dog, the more you will understand his language correctly. Remember too that your dog constantly observes your mannerisms and notices when your mood changes, so it’s only fair that you do the same for him. 

4.) Instinct: 

There are three toilet-related mannerisms we will mention driven by canine instinct. 

On the other hand, instinct can result in his marking his territory. This is most commonly noticed with male dogs, but female dogs also practice this same territorial behavior, especially when they want to assert their dominance.
A male dog will mark his territory profusely when a female in the house is in heat, and a female dog will 'flag' (urinate to leave her scent) wherever she can when in heat. This behavior can obviously be treated by spaying or neutering, but even after you have neutered your male dog, you must still train him out of his old habits. Flagging, however, will stop. 

Here is another key aspect you can effectively use in house training your dog. The main way we use this inborn intelligence of the dog, this instinct to keep himself clean, is by confining him to the area where he sleeps while you are unable to closely observe him.

When confined to his sleeping quarters and he needs to relieve himself, he will either whimper or scratch at his container, becoming restless. You need to be alert for this. It is cruel to confine a dog to his sleeping area if you are unable to react when "nature calls." If he sleeps in your bed with you, you will need to be alert to notice when he gets up for the loo. If you become alerted to his need, you will need to get up and take him outside. Be patient, wait at least 5 minutes while he finds a place and is relaxed enough to be able to go. If he relieves himself outside, praise him like crazy! "Good boy, good boy, good boy!" immediately after he has finished. This point will be expanded upon in future articles as to the various ways it can be exploited for housebreaking. 

Yorkie in crate for toilet training

It is important to remove the smell of his stool or urine immediately after if you were unable to prevent it. The problem could also be caused by other odors from animals or humans that they may feel competitive with or want to dominate.

Use washing powder or bleach to remove the odor.

Once you have curbed him from urinating or defecating where it is undesired, immediately take him to where he should go so that he can relieve himself there. Act quickly, but remain calm, or he will be too scared to go when you are watching.

In the beginning, it may be good to take him to a well-used telephone pole on the pavement or the car tires just so that he knows there are places he is permitted to mark. You can encourage that by bringing in foreign smells of disease-free cats or dogs to where you want him to go to the toilet.

So, go collecting some dirty cat litter or your neighbor's doggy business. This will probably help you greatly, and at the same time, you can make friends using an interesting topic for conversation.

5.) Routine. 

You must get to know your dog's routine, and that requires that you too must stick to a routine. Once you have established a fixed routine, it is easier to understand your dog's timing for going to the toilet. The most crucial times to observe whether your dog needs to go and when you should take him out are:

Take them out religiously at these times in the beginning!

What you can do when it's time to go to the toilet is you can say the same word each time ("piddle time, piddle time...") in an excited tone. People may look at you strangely if there is anyone around, but many dogs learn to go on command, even if they can only squeeze out a few drops just to please you. The main reason for doing this is to help prepare them mentally for what they must do and to shorten your waiting time.

Get to know your doggy's routine byt the clock

Fastest Way to Potty Train a Puppy

There will be more follow-up articles about toilet training issues. Please contact us with any queries.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.